🔌 The $1.62 Billion SEO Strategy 💡

The Marketing Plug #8


Return of the Chief Plug Officer.

Ready to get plugged in?

Here’s the 0.1% of marketing information today:

  • 🔌 SEO Strategy for a $2.5B Business 💡

  • 🔌 Marketing Mental Model: Platform Jet Streams 🎏 

  • 🔌 LinkedIn Growth Hack: Trolling 😂

🔌 The $1.62 Billion SEO Strategy

The Masterclass website received ~12m visits in March.

65% of traffic comes via organic search. That’s 7.8 million people per month

Plugs napkin maths:

• If they are worth $2.5 billion and this is 65% of their traffic — this SEO strategy has added $1.62 to their valuation.

Here’s how it works…

They appear in the top search results for:

“How many teaspoons in a tablespoon”

“Song structure”

“How to write an autobiography”

How? By using second-order questions.

Second order questions work “because you’re targeting a similar audience who is one step away from wanting your product”

and WHAM - Masterclass has a content library at the bottom of the page!

🔌 Plug Take - This is gold.

We need a Mount Rushmore for SEO. Masterclass would be on there.

Another one to look at is Zapier.

Who else should we add to the list?

🔌 Marketing Mental Model: Platform Jet Streams

If you want to grow on a platform, find out what that platform is optimising for — and do that.

I call this “Find the product manager’s goal — and do it”

Jon Morgenstern calls these “Jet streams”

Here’s how it works:

  • Find out what the platform wants to push - E.g. 18 months ago, YouTube really wanted to push Shorts.

  • Just double down on that - So many creators exploded off the back of Shorts and got 1 year of growth in a month.

This requires 0 creativity. It’s just riding the Jet Stream the product manager wants to push.

Here’s how to get this information:

1. Read their PR announcements
2. Pay attention to new features

For example:

💡 TikTok focusing on image carousels

💡 Instagram focusing on Reels

💡 Twitter focusing on subscriptions

Ride those Jet Streams like Zuck on his Efoil board.

You don’t need to be creative — you just need to ride the wave.

🔌 Plug Take - Just realised the irony of TikTok focusing on image carousels — and Instagram focusing on short-form vertical video. Now that’s spicy 🌶

🔌 LinkedIn Growth Hack: Sense of Humour

LinkedIn can be cringe.

People go there to take themselves serious.

Jack Raines is growth hacking LinkedIn by…

Having a sense of humour!

And like all great parodies - the hardcore LinkedIn audience doesn’t realise it’s a joke.

🔌 - It’s working - Jack recently shared the back-end analytics of his newsletter, and everyone who loves the parody is subscribing 😂

🔌 Plug Take:

1. Blue Ocean - LinkedIn has so much cringe — and 0 humour. This means humour on the platform is blue ocean!

2. Mass hysteria - Half of the comments say he’s hilarious, the other half of the comments don’t realise it’s a joke and are attacking him.

But in the words of Money Mayweather, haters give more oxygen!

3. Bringing Twitter in on the joke - Jack then shows the joke on Twitter and all the ridiculous comments he’s getting.

This brings out the tribal nature of Twitter vs LinkedIn — with everyone on Twitter wanting to dunk on LinkedIn’s cringefest.


🔌 Daily Ad Plug

Fedex (2010)

"Marketing is the generous act of helping others become who they seek to become."

– Seth Godin

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George Mack

Chief Plug Officer 🔌