🔌 How Mr. Beast Might End Up Bigger Than Coca-Cola 🔥

The Marketing Plug #5


George Mack here.

Your Chief Plug Officer.

Ready to get plugged in?

Here’s the 0.1% of marketing information today:

  • How Mr. Beast Might End Up Bigger Than Coca-Cola 🔥

  • How To Write Cold Emails 💌

  • How To Make Great Content 🧪

🔌 Plug Prediction: Mr Beast Outsells Coca-Cola

I saw a great tweet from Shaan P and an iconic reaction from Mr. Beast himself

I want to sell a billion chocolate bars next year

Now that’s gangsta.

This reminds me of a shower thought I had recently:

When it comes to new media, faces & personalities are outranking brands.

It’s the rise of the leveraged creator.

🔌 Plug Talk

You’ve probably had this happen to you recently.

You’re in a public place — and WHAM. Your subconscious recognizes someone before you do.

It’s usually some person you’ve not seen in 10 years - but stored deep in your brain was the memory of that person’s face.

You do not get this for a chocolate bar you once saw 10 years ago.

Nerd talk - Your brain evolved to store faces way before it evolved to store corporate brands.

This is why I think the marketing gods: Coca Cola + McDonalds, will face their biggest competition from creators like Mr. Beast.

🔌 Super Plug:

1. Take advantage of this trend by whitelisting influencers in all your ads - Run it from their page if you can.

2. Expect more companies to hire celebrities as the face of brands - E.g. Molly Mae at PLT or Pharrel at Louis Vuitton.

3. Expect creators to start running ad campaigns - They are super reliant on organic advertising — and haven’t realized the ROI they can do if they stick a pixel on their organic.

4. Be Careful - Adidas recently reported a $540 million loss due to all the Yeezy stock they can’t sell after Kanye’s recent outburst. The flywheel that makes you, can also break you.

🔌 How To Write Cold Emails

DM’s and cold email are something we take for granted.

Back in the day, you had to knock on someone’s house or find their post box.

In 2023, you have access to their digital postcode.

Like old school mail, most of it is spam and junk.

If you learn good copywriting (marketing 101), you can stand out massively:

It’s 2023, emails are the new print ads.

But most people suck at writing cold emails. I’ve seen it. You’ve seen it.

Some principles from Nik Sharma:

  1. Clear Intro - Don't ask how someone is doing. Get straight to the point. You're in someone else's inbox — you don't know them.

    E.g. "Hi, my name is Nik and I run a company called Sharma Brands. We scale brands online like Everlane, Feastables, and Jolie."

  2. Setup the Context - Help the reader understand the context or the lens of why you're reaching out in the first place.

    E.g. "I ordered your Trifecta Skincare Set as a gift about 3 weeks ago, and it's changed my skin, completely. I'd love to talk about how we can enhance your online shopping experience to get more customers in the door."

  3. Explain Why They Should Care

    Numbers, facts, and social proof win here.

    "On average, within 6 months we're able to lessen CPA by 25% for brands like XXXXX, and have taken many brands from $20M/year to $90M/year in revenue."

  4. Go for the Ask + Finish with CTA - You want to get a "Yes", "No", or a "Talk to this person" response

    "I believe the Trifecta can be marketed in a stronger manner. We have the creative and design team to make it happen, and I've attached a deck with our capabilities, for you to see.

    Is this of interest? If so, let me know who to speak with for the next steps.”

    Check out the tweet below!

🔌 How to Make Great Content

Soren Iverson is writing a playbook on how to market yourself.

He’s a fantastic designer.

Rather than post random design images like every other designer — he finds familiar UX’s — and remakes them.

Here’s his hilarious Google Meet Punctuality update:

😂 Here’s his Doordash example:

🔌 Plug Take - If you want to supercharge your marketing campaigns, take a digital environment someone is used to — and insert your twist in it.

E.g. Rather than create an ad saying “My fintech product is brilliant”

Show someone saying it via a Family group WhatsApp chat, Instagram DM, or an Apple Note.

Great artists steal.

This newsletter probably shouldn’t be free! 😅

🔌 Daily Ad Plug

Nescafe (2014) 😂 

The Instant Espresso.

"You cannot bore people into buying your product."

– David Ogilvy

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George Mack

Chief Plug Officer 🔌